4 Reasons to Print Your Next Book
Why Print?
Even though everyone these days seems to have an electronic device glued to their hand, when it comes to reading, people still want to curl up with a good old-fashioned print book.
Fast fact: 65% of people who read a book in the last year read ink on paper, compared to 28% who read an e-book (2016 Pew Research Center survey).
Here are 4 compelling reasons to print your next book.
- The human touch
There’s a human attachment to holding a tangible book that a digital device doesn’t provide. Books are a welcome escape from screens and a form of relaxation after a long day. Some people may prefer their Kobo but there are still many more people who like the comfort of a physical book.
- Positive perceptions
Anyone can publish a blog or write an e-book. A published book is perceived as being more authoritative on the subject and taken more seriously by the literary community and readers.
- Enhanced PR opportunities
Publishing a book increases the chance media will reference and contact you as a subject matter expert. Books make you an authority on a subject enhancing speaking and selling opportunities.
- It’s great for your personal brand
Your bio and social media profile will stand out from the crowd when you showcase a printed book, expanding your network and selling potential.
Despite reports that print is dead, technology isn’t going to kill print media but rather help you sell more print books!
Need a hand getting started?
Whether you’re a DIY publisher or large publishing house, MCRL Overseas Group will work with you to produce a best in class design with the latest printing techniques and elements so your book stands out on the shelf and screen. First-time publishers especially appreciate MCRL’s no-fee consultation and print-on-demand services. Contact us for a quick quote!